Years of caring for animals has been and still is an enlightening and rewarding experience. To own and breed animals is a responsibility not to be taken lightly. This responsibility applies not only to the animals we keep but also to the ones that we place as well. Education is the key to responsible ownership. We as dedicated aviculturists, animal keepers, and breeders should share our experiences and knowledge, as well as provide novice and future bird and animal owners with as much information and guidance as possible.
Life on the Farm
Life in rural south Louisiana has always included pets and farm animals. Animals are and always has been a big part of family life here at Belle Ècorce Farms. Belle Ècorce Farms includes: Cage'N Bird (1988) our avian hand-feeding & breeder supply mail order company and our exotic parrot bird breeding facility; Très Belle Chèvre (2003) goat dairy and artisan/farmstead goat cheese; our new venture Bar U5 Miniature Horses (2007); and of course our new house pets AnnaBelle and Phoebe hairless Sphynx cats (we hope to breed when they mature and find the right male so, look forward to kittens in the near future).

Hairless Cats
Yes, Hairless cats! We just love our cats and have absolutely fallen in love with these enchanting creatures. This has to be one of our favorite pets. They are so soft, warm and loveable. Believe it or not they are our only house pet and are always with my husband Kenny or I when we are in the house. Enough said about these exquisite creatures. Visit AnnaBelle and Phoebe on our BARREAZZ Sphynx Cats page.
Miniature Horses
In 2007 I became interested in the miniature horse. I have always owned horses...Shetland ponies in my youth and Quarter horses until a few years ago. I have missed having horses on the place and thought the minis would fill the void. After extensive research I decided to create Bar U5 Miniature Horse Farm (U5 is my Grandfathers old brand). I looked for well bred mares with the right pedigrees and who were known producers of refined foals with chiseled Arabian-type heads, tiny tight ears, long arched necks, laid back shoulder, short back, a strong hip and high tail set. Don't we all! I searched and found four brood mares that fit the bill. We are a little over two years into this endeavor and are enjoying every moment. See our beautiful mares and their foals on our Bar U5 Miniature Horses page
Dairy Goats
Goats became part of the farm in 1999 when, on a whim, I came home with 2 bred Lamancha goat does. They kidded a couple of months later and before I knew it I was milking goats on the front porch like Elli Mae Clampett....Now, almost 10 years and many goats later I have a herd of goats, a state licensed goat dairy and fromagerie, and I make Award Winning Goat Cheese.Learn about our Award Winning Goat Cheese, our goats and our dairy on our Très Belle Chèvre page
Aviculture, particularly avian pediatrics, has been a passion for well over 25 years. Here at Belle Ècorce Farms' Cage'N Bird Aviary we breed or have bred and hand-fed many avian species. These species range from tiny finches, budgies, and cockatiels to the larger Amazons, Grays, Cockatoos, and Macaws....creatures of flight that never have to worry about finding the cheapest flights as they simply spread their wings and off they go...Our aviary has been down sized in lieu of the goats and horses, however, we do occasionally make our precious babies and sometimes breeders available to our avian customers. A bird price list is included here on our web page or email us or call Nicole, my second in command, for more information on hand-fed and breeder birds.
Avian Help
Our Cage'N Bird page, located on this site, includes many fact filled published articles and links about avian management, hand-feeding and particularly avian pediatrics; helpful links including an email list/forum where experienced and novice hand-feeders discuss hand-feeding, bird breeding and avian pediatrics. Because of many years of experience, breeding, hand-feeding and raising many avian species I am happy to share my knowledge and experience. Cage'N Bird provides a free consultation and support service to the avian community. Please call or email if you have a problem or would like us to help you selecting avian pediatric supplies from our Cage'N Bird Web Store. We can customize a hand-feeding program to meet your particular needs
Cage'N Bird Web Store
You will find our new, online Cage'N Bird web store to contain the most complete selection of avian hand-feeding and breeding supplies available anywhere. Cage'N Bird has been in business since 1988 and we have been raising parrots since the early 1980's, so we know, through years of experience, what you will need to hand feed. It is our goal to make these specialty items available to you in a timely and professional manor. . Visit our new Cage'N Bird WEB STORE. We hope you like the format. Your questions and comments are welcome.
We welcome your calls about any of our businesses or animals (our office number also rings in our home so please do not call too late.). Leave a message, we will get back to you or e-mail us. Be aware we are a working farm so if we don't answer please leave a message we will return your calls.
We hope you like our new Belle Ècorce Farms web site and enjoy learning about our farm animals and pets. Please explore this site; visit our new Cage'N Birds WEB STORE; learn more about our Bar U5 Miniature Horses; our Sphynx cats; our dairy goats and our award winning goat cheese. There is always something to learn, admire, wish for, or own here at Belle Ècorce Farms. We welcome your feedback and comments and look forward to hearing from you.
Wanda Barras
Owner, Belle Ècorce Farms

Belle Ecorce Farms'