Recommended Web Sites
Parrot Parrot Site dedicated to the smaller parrots such as lovebirds (Agapornis species) and budgies (parakeets), but it is also an excellent resource for helpful information on ALL birds and parrots.
911 Parrot Alert Lost & Found parrot & bird database. An international initiative dedicated to helping reunite Lost, Stolen and Found parrots & birds with their families.
Cage'N Bird
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On Line Forums & Discussion Groups
AlexFoundation Group The Alex Foundation was established to support research on psittacine intelligence and communication. The list's purpose is to provide you with The Alex Foundation Newsletter, Dr. Pepperberg's speaking schedule, fund raising events, pictures of our parrots, and other special announcements.
AwesomeAmazons A Chat group all about Parrots and their care. Don't have an Amazon, that's ok.
Birds-Breeders A list dedicated to the breeders of exotic birds, such as those in the Parrot family (Amazons, Greys, Cockatoos, Macaws, Conures, Lovebirds, etc.). Also cockatiels, Ringneck Parakeets, Lories and Lorikeets, Finches, Lovebirds, Budgies, Canaries and much more.
FeedingFeathers If you have serious questions regarding the feeding of their companion parrots, some small confusions, or just want to get an idea as to HOW to proceed
finches_n_canaries4sale This is the oldest, #1 canaries/finch sales group with the largest client/seller base ( 3X that of other groups) to buy and sell canaries and finches and related bird products in (over 1550 members).
Freeflight This list is for the discusion of all aspects of training parrots and other birds for free flight outdoors and indoors. With particular emphasis on training for and living with fully flighted parrots.
Genetics-Psittacine A list is for the discussion of colour mutations and genetics in all species of parrots on a mainly technical level. Basic knowledge of genetics is essential as well as familiarity with the common Parrot colour morphs. The aim is to bring together breeders from different areas of the world so we can gain better understanding of colour mutations.
Hand-FeedingHELP Group A help forum set-up for hand-feeders, novice and experienced alike, who need help or information about hand-feeding exotic parrots and related species.
LegBandNumbers Valuable banding information articles provided by members of the group. How, why, when and where about banding and leg bands.
Parrot Parrot Discussion Forum The place to find out about parrots and other exotic birds: how to care for them, behavioral issues, health, training, breeding, and warnings about dangers and toxins in the home that could harm you pet bird. This forum is run by Vera Appleyardof
PickIn'Parrots If your parrot is picking now, you are welcome to join "Pickin' Parrots". This is a place for research, information, emotional support and sharing good and/or bad experiences.
Rescue_Pets Help the animals and each other, Adopt your next pet. Feel free to post message about animals that are up for adoption. This list is not limited to cats/dogs, all animals are welcome at this group including pigs, snakes, parrots, fish, etc.
Special-Parrots A forum where members can discuss the issues surrounding the raising and keeping of parrots that have physical disabilities whatever the cause. If you own a special bird or if you are thinking of adopting one, we think you will find this mailing list a good resource for information and support.
Thomasriver-Parrots A list for parrot breeders, with breeding updates, mutations, new finds, and anything in general to do with breeding parrots or mutation parrots.
Research & Charitable Organizations
The Alex Foundation The goal of The Alex Foundation is to support research that will expand the base of knowledge establishing the cognitive and communicative abilities of parrots as intelligent beings.