Belle Ecorce Farms'
Goat Husbandry Workshop
Come Join us for Belle Ècorce Farms' Hands-On Goat Husbandry Workshop
First in a series of Cheese & Goat Related Workshops to be Presented in 2011
Learn about Dairy Goat Husbandry on a Working Goat Dairy Farm
Some topics we will touch upon
* Intro to Dairy Goats
* Breeding
* Kidding, Kid care
* Care of Does & Bucks
* Housing & Fencing
* Feeding & Nutrition
* Routine handling, restraints
* Hoof trimming, hoof care
* Diseases affecting goats
* Vaccinations, injections
* Worms & Worming
* Registration & Tattooing
* References & Suggested Readi
* Workshop Fee - $150.00 *
Fee Includes Light Breakfast w/coffee & Juice, Lunch and a Mid-Afternoon Snack w/Beverages
Date: Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Additional Information Contact: Wanda Barras or Nicole Melancon -- 337-394-6683
Belle Ècorce Farms' Goat Husbandry Workshop is Limited to approximately 12 Students who will Participate in Outdoor Classroom Instruction Alternating with Hands-On Work
Workshop participants are responsible for their own housing and transportation.
We are about one hour South West of Baton Rouge and two hours West of New Orleans. About 35 minutes from Lafayette and 15-20 minutes from New Iberia and Breaux Bridge.
Belle Ècorce Farms is a Working Dairy Farm -- home to dogs, cats, chickens, ducks, birds and a herd of goats. Weather is usually great in the spring. However, rainy weather is not uncommon, Classes can be held undercover.
Serviceable shoes or boots, hat/cap for sun protection, and gloves (garden gloves OK) and comfortable clothes. Jeans recommended.
Light jacket and long-sleeved shirts if it is cold or for sun protection
Bug Spray and sun block
Please extend the courtesy of not using cell phones during workshop classes. Cameras are welcome.
*do not bring alcohol beverages of any kind onto farm property*
• 8:00 AM you will be greeted, shown where to park
• Students will register and receive their name tags, workbooks, pens, catalog & sample bags.
• Look forward to outdoor instruction and a hands-on experience. You may see a baby goat being born!
• We will provide juice/coffee and sweet rolls in the mornings, lunch w/beverages, and snacks & refreshments at the afternoon break.
• Our Farm Store will be open before and after classes. A variety of goat cheese, condiments and cheese related items will be there for purchase
Belle Ècorce Farms is considering implementing an Intern Program in the future. If you are interested please send your resume to . We'd like to know a little bit about your experience with goats and farming (or lack thereof) and why you'd like to become an Intern on our dairy farm. If we do decide to set up a Dairy Farm Intern program we will have your information on file. You will be on the list to contact about internships.
For more information on upcoming workshop click here